3 Tableaux Vivants (2012)
Chambre Rouge (2013)
The Sensation of Silk (2013)
A Consequence of Lingering (2013)
Choir of Martyrs (2013)
Elena (2014)
A Retreat (2014)
I will not forget anytime in the remembrance of existing and extinct (2015)
A Blue Vague Certainty (2015)
Latent Delusions of Grandeur (2016)
'Balade' avec Marion Molle (2013)
It is as though we look to see (2016)
Fortune for the Masses (2016)
A Decorated Room with Invaded Ideas (2017/18/19)
Don't turn the light on (2018)
…Scattered Belonging (2017)
…Desire, unfinished
Some work in the brown study (2018)
She Might Be... (2018)
…A Temporary Measure (2018)
...they man-made it, so I exist (2019)
Morpho Promenade (2019)